The Three States of Consciousness

There are three non-simultaneous states of consciousness: being, relating and projecting. We misunderstand all three, and would benefit from a recalibration of time spent in each one.

Anthony Fieldman


The author, last month © Jonni Super 2021

Following a particularly powerful meditation this morning, a new thought dawned on me: that there are three distinct states of consciousness in which we live our lives. They are being, relating and projecting.

Rules apply.

  1. We can only access one state at a time.
  2. Each state serves a different purpose, for (or from) which we evolved.
  3. An equilibrium of time spent in each state leads to a life in balance.
  4. Most of us have a “consciousness imbalance”, which manifests as emotional stressors.
Photo by Kyle Glenn on Unsplash


Let’s start with the state in which most of us spend most of our time. Projecting drives the lion’s share of human activity in the post-industrial era. One aspect of projecting is non-presence. On average, we spend 47% of our time in the past



Anthony Fieldman

Architect | Photographer | Writer | Philosopher | Polyglot | Windmill Jouster | Nomade Civilisée