The Case for Plant-Based Diets

In most global cultures, meat is associated with wealth, virility and power. Unfortunately, it is also wildly destructive to both body and planet, and until Colonialism, a rare treat. While we are willing to sacrifice the planet for our dining pleasure, the high cost of meat seems to be gaining an audience.

Anthony Fieldman
10 min readDec 4, 2022
Dinner, one evening at home © Anthony Fieldman 2020

The case for a plant-based diet—by which I mean the prioritization of non-animal foods over animal sources, not their wholesale replacementcan be made on the basis of three topics:

  • Human (both physiological and psychological) health
  • Environmental stewardship
  • Animal welfare

The stakes are higher than most of us realize in all three areas. Sadly, in a 21st century consumer context, gaining a true understanding of our actions’ costs requires us to trade fads for facts, convenience for consequence, and image for impact.

Fast Facts

Let’s start with some data points:

  • The ubiquitous industrial-era diet—born in America, and exported around the world—now kills more people than anything else on Earth. Fully one…



Anthony Fieldman

Architect | Photographer | Writer | Philosopher | Polyglot | Windmill Jouster | Nomade Civilisée